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Front Line Assembly - Implode (1999) - Torched

Front Line Assembly
Implode (1999)

Your skin lights up - The darkened sky - A mirror of the scene - You light the flame - Now you're to blame - 'Cause nothing will ever be the same - You burned it down - To the ground - [Chorus] - But nothing has remained - The cause and effect - That you reject - It all burns just thesame - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - [Chorus] - Lurking shadows - Become dissolved - Pyro fixation - Burns them all - Singeing hair - Smells like you care - Be glad that - You're not there - You strike a match - Close the hatch - You're totally insane - Another burn - Starts the yearn - Feelings always the same - You like it hot - And watch it rot - You love to play - The game - [Chorus] - Smoke is deep - Life is cheap - Smoke is deep - Life is cheap






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Front Line Assembly - Civilizationrecenze
Front Line Assembly - Epitaphrecenze
Novinky o Front Line Assembly a jejich novém singlu (31.07.2001)novinka

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